African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Methodist homophobia.
This is being done to support the project of mapping the houses of hate in Dallas.
Subscriptions are free.
African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and the Christian Methodist church are part of a group that seeks to persecute Gays in Ghana.
What ever happy talk they might have in the United States, they reveal their true selves in Ghana. To try to organize a Gay rights group is 5 years in prison.
African Methodist Episcopal Church
AME online presence
Dallas is in the 10th Episcopal district.
Some of the pastors for these churches think they are moral voices. They can all shut up.
Dallas area AME churches
Some of the pastors at some of these churches think they are moral voices. They need to be discouraged from thinking that way. Even if they profess to support Gay marriage, they haven’t quit the AME and their activities support the AME. The existence of the AME is a threat to the LGBT and has been injurious to the LGBT.
St. Paul AME
Smith Chapel AME
Greater St. James Temple AME
Greater Garth Chapel AME
Agape Temple AME
Greater Allen Temple AME
New Jerusalem AME
Evening Chapel AME
Warren Chapel AME
Gaines Chapel AME
Payne Chapel AME
Lee Chapel AME
Bethel AME-Greenville
St. Paul AME - Rockwall
St. James AME- Terrell
St. Stephens AME
St. Paul AME - Mt. Pleasant
Quinn Chapel AME
Bradford Chapel AME
People Chapel AME
Meeks Chapel AME
Joy Tabernacle AME
Greater Fort Worth District
These churches are mostly in Fort Worth, but not all.
Baker Chapel AME
Joshua Chapel AME
Wesley Chapel AME
"Historic" Allen Chapel AME
Johnson Chapel AME
Bethel AME
St. James AME
Johnson Chapel AME
Visitor's Chapel AME
Anderson Chapel AME
St. James AME
Armstrong AME
Bethel/Salter Chapel AME
Forest Hill AME
Bethel AME
Greater Johnson Chapel AME
Baker Chapel AME
Bethel AME
Greater Edward Chapel AME
St. Peter Memorial AME
Mt. Olive AME
Bethel AME
Lee Chapel AME
Bethel AME
Sherman Chapel AME
Bethel AME
Brown Chapel AME
St. Stephen AME
From the Christian Post. We have to reply on homophobes to learn about news important to the LGBT. Quoting from the article.
General Conference delegates voted 896 to 722 in favor of deleting the amendment to allow same-sex marriage, while another vote allowed for the continuing work of the Ad Hoc AME Sexual Ethics Discernment Committee to continue its work.
AME Church bishops issued a written statement to General Conference that seemingly questioned if a committee could make acceptable changes to church teaching on LGBT issues.
"Rational arguments on the matter of sexuality, sexual orientation, same sex marriage, the structure of the family, and the meaning of male and female will not resolve the controversy because the issues have deep theological and psychological roots," the bishops stated, as quoted by Religion News Service.
Quoting from the Religion News Service.
The delegates voted 896-722 to delete a bill that would have removed a ban on same-sex marriage from the historically Black denomination’s rule book, according to The Christian Recorder, the AME’s official periodical. “The Doctrine and Discipline” of the denomination says “the AME Church believes that unions of any kind between persons of the same sex or gender are contrary to the will of God.”
For those apologists wanting to make excuses for the AME I point out that it is 2024, the Gay movement has been around for a long time now. The AME is slow and delulu.
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
From the Star of Zion, Sept. 16, 2023, “Shining the light on darkness for church growth,” by Rev. Deborah Johns.
This false god worship led the children of Israel into eating sacrifices to the dead, bowing down to idols, indulging in sexual orgies (Num. 25:1–11; Ps. 106:28), sexual excesses and perversions (Isa. 57:3–10), including copulation with animals (Hos. 13:2) pedophilia or intercourse with children, and homosexuality. Baal has a wife known as the goddess Ashtartoth (Judg. 2:13) or *Asherah (Judg. 6:30; II Kings 16:32–33) and is considered a mother - god, a fertility god and is represented by an erected pole or tree near an alter, usually an alter to Baal. She is also known as the Queen of Heaven and the violent "Virgin Anath." This is what Baal (the Bull) and Asherah worship is. These other gods they worshipped also included child sacrifices. Although we do not call on the names of these gods today, the behavior of worshipping these gods exists today in all forms. People may not call it worship, but Satan receives it as such. People may not call abortion worship, but the enemy uses these child sacrifices for his glory and power due to the innocent blood that is shed.
Corinthians 6 : 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God. (MEV),34605
Statement of the Board of of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church after the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Gay marriage.
Posted by Bishop W. Darin Moore, June 30, 2015 in his Facebook page.
June 29, 2015
Statement from the Board of Bishops of The AME Zion Church regarding the recent ruling from the Supreme Court on Marriage Equality
“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” (Eph. 3:18,19)
In the aftermath of the ruling by the United States Supreme Court which grants the right to marry to all citizens including same-sex couples; it is necessary for us to reaffirm for some, and clarify to others the position of The AME Zion Church on the issue of human sexuality and marriage.
God made humans to live our lives holistically and fully. Our sexuality is integral to who we are, however, it is not the totality of who we are. Because how we see ourselves matters, we do not believe that we can limit ourselves to descriptions that define human beings merely by sexual identity. We are - all of us - loved as God’s precious creation, bearers of God’s image.
We recognize that much injury and pain has been caused by the sometimes caustic language used to describe children of God who deserved to be valued and treated justly. As "The Freedom Church" we cannot condone injustice against any of our fellow humans regardless of their religion, ethnicity, or sexual preferences. Social justice is a part of our spiritual DNA as we continue our more than 200 year struggle for the recognition of the full, albeit flawed, humanity of us all.
With sincere hearts of contrition, we must confess an unhealthy and often hypocritical approach to human sexuality. The church has often engaged in labeling and ostracizing instead of loving and welcoming. There are no "big" vs. "little" sins. And "since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy" (2 Corinthians 4:1), we do not presume to deny this same grace and mercy we have received and from which we have all benefited to anyone. All humanity, in light of our shared brokenness, stands in need of God's radical and amazing grace.
America is a multicultural, democratic republic with diverse religious, non-religious, and political perspectives, all of which must respected and not judged unfairly. Many voices and viewpoints clamor to be heard, and democracy guarantees them that right. As such, we insist that our voices, informed by our faith, be included and respected in the public square in a manner that protects human rights in a pluralistic society.
The Supreme Court interprets the U.S. Constitution and that interpretation becomes the law of the land. We accept and respect that reality; for us however, there remains an authority higher than the Constitution and it is our conviction that divine law must guide our position and stance as the church of God.
It is our task, as your Chief Pastors, to accept the weighty responsibility, in the interim of the General Conference, to state the official position of The AME Zion Church. Our position is shaped in light of the fact that Christian theology draws upon four sources: 1) Scripture, as our privileged source of authority, 2) Tradition, 3) Reason, and 4) Experience. This understanding, upon which we base our theology, is the synthesis of all these, and each acts as a "check and balance" of the other.
The position of your Board of Bishops is not an attempt to win a debate, be it sociological or political; nor is it designed to impose our view upon others, demeaning those who have thoughtful opinions that differ from ours. It is, however, the stance of our Church; and as such, it is incumbent upon all of our clergy and lay leadership to conduct themselves, and ensure that our church facilities are used, consistent with this position.
We continue to affirm as consistent with our scriptural and Christian tradition the understanding of marriage as being a sacred covenant between one man and one woman. While we acknowledge that each of us as Christians often fall short of that ideal, and that even as norms and standards evolve over time; it is not for us to negotiate the teachings of scripture to our proclivities, but to aspire to the high values to which we believe scripture invites us all.
We call upon Christians everywhere, and especially across the AME Zion Church, to live our faith grounded in the ethic of love. We strongly encourage our members to foster a spirit of radical hospitality in our congregations, welcoming all persons with the amazing love of Christ. As followers of Jesus, we must model authentic love, grace, and integrity in all our relationships, speaking the truth in love to one another.
May we all be both humbled and encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul;
“Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:12&13)
Your Servants in Christ;
The Board of Bishops of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
The Right Reverend George E. Battle, Jr. - Senior Bishop and President
The Right Reverend Richard K. Thompson
The Right Reverend Roy A. Holmes (Deceased)
The Right Reverend Louis Hunter, Sr.
The Right Reverend James E. McCoy (Deceased)
The Right Reverend Kenneth Monroe
The Right Reverend Darryl B. Starnes, Sr.
The Right Reverend Dennis V. Proctor
The Right Reverend Mildred B. Hines
The Right Reverend W. Darin Moore
The Right Reverend Seth O. Lartey
The Right Reverend Michael A. Frencher
The Right Reverend Joseph Johnson (Retired)
The Right Reverend Marshall H. Strickland (Retired)
The Right Reverend Nathaniel Jarrett (Retired)
The Right Reverend George W. C. Walker, Sr. (Retired)
The Right Reverend S. Chuka Ekemam (Retired)
The Right Reverend Warren M. Brown (Retired)
Religious News, July 30, 1996, “NEWS FEATURE: AME ZION CHURCH: AME Zion bishops address `forces of good and evil’.”
WASHINGTON Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, one of the nation’s oldest African-American denominations, meeting here for its quadrennial conference, weighed in on issues from Congress’ conservative political agenda to same-sex marriages and the role of women in their church.
The AME Zion leaders reiterated their position on human sexuality, declaring homosexuality and same-sex marriages “morally wrong.”
“The church’s position has been, and continues to be, clear on not condemning any of God’s children,” they said. “However, the practice of homosexuality must be condemned.”
Departing from the 30-page document, Bishop Clarence Carr of St. Louis, Mo., added, “In other words, he (God) created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve.”
Christian Methodist Church
In Dallas, Texas there is the Kirkwood Temple.
Home page is blank for the 8th District, but the rest of the website is there.
Kirkwood Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal on YouTube.
There is the section where she pairs something good you could do and somthing bad people do, as balancing factors.
23:25 You know how we are, you know? We, we, we, we, we, we sit back and we talk about what other
23:30 folks are doing and we thank god. We got as bad as him. But
23:36 the truth is, is that the truth is, amen. Jesus is saying defeat and without the feet
23:41 that make a mistake between you because by all have sinned. Yeah. And fall short of the
23:48 glory of god. As Paul said in Corinthians chapter six. He
23:53 said, and this, this, this is the list. Amen. This is the list of those things. He said, this is what, this is what we
23:59 sometimes do. He said, repeats with with greedy people, with jobless, where abusive. Amen.
24:05 We cheat people and we're immoral. We can be our balancers. We can be
24:11 adulterers. We can be homeowners. Amen. I didn't call no one. Amen. We can love
24:17 homosexuality and we can do things that strengthen us. Amen. Because why? Because this
24:22 is a list of those who
24:30 at that scripture because when you stop there at that scripture, you can't get into the kingdom But, but, but, but
24:52 and sanctified. You who are justified in the name of Jesus.
24:58 You shall inherit
25:07 no question about whether or not you'll be, you just need to be killed
25:15 was on the inside. And one thing he was in the right place. Amen. But he was not in
25:20 his right mind. That's the one that was in.