Burning the mailings of anti-Gay churches. Why we should do it. Update: The burning post.
It is time we rebuke them and express our contempt for their bigorty.
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The global pestilence of the endless vicious campaigns of anti-Gay churches
Christians churches are leading vicious campaigns against Gays all over the world.
For example there is this recent atrocious legislation. A death penalty for homosexuality has been passed by almost the entire Uganda national legislature.
You can go to prison for just saying you are LGBTQ.
This is driven by the Christian churches in Uganda.
The strategy to fight this is largely to just babble sugary statements with sunshine and butterflies sentimentality. We need to start taking serious action so that those who engage in vicious behavior against Gays here and abroad face consequences.
This activity I am doing here isn’t the only activity I propose. But it is an important activity to start instilling a militant spirit in the Gay community and no more babbling.
I got the following mailing from the One Community Church in Plano, Texas.
I am going to ceremonially burn it on Easter. April 9, 2023 at Noon.
I call upon Gays everywhere to burn unsolicited mailings form anti-Gay churches on Easter.
They are an anti-Gay church.
This is their link tree.
At this webpage they offer “counseling” services.
On this page they have their Pursuit: Recovery Ministry.
We are told that:
Pursuit is a Bible-based, 12-step recover program that focuses on God’s healing power through his timeless Word and fellowship with others.
Further this section informs us.
We believe that no matter what the challenge, people can experience growth and newness of life through the healing offered by God. Whether you are struggling with substance abuse, anger, pornography, eating disorders, codependency, emotional or physical abuse, same-sex attraction, or obsessive thoughts, come as you are and find out that you are not alone. [Bold face added.]
At this webpage they have the same text.
This is a sermon where some questions are answered.
One of the church’s members is afraid of working with “homosexuals in the workplace.” The answer is that homosexuals “are dangerous to the anointing in you.” But evidently homosexuals aren’t a danger to their self-righteous and self-promoting stupidity
Q: How do we address homosexuality in the workplace? I personally don’t condone it but the world does. How do we protect our anointing when we are forced to work with homosexuals?
A: Working work with homosexuals does not contaminate your anointing. Homosexuality is no different from any other sin. We all work with sinful people who are liars, prideful, unloving, angry, etc. The issue is who/what you are connecting with. The question is, are you partnering with people who are not convicted about a sin lifestyle?
We all sin but we should be compelled to confess and repent. People who are okay with their sin are dangerous to the anointing in you. Whether it is a friendship, financial partnership, or a romantic relationship we must guard ourselves against people and things that are NOT open to the movement of the Holy Spirit.
These anti-Gay churches have rubbish for brains and think saying Jesus gives them privileges and excuses them from any responsibility for their actions and is a free pass for self-indulgence of the vanity of being special above others.
We need to make sure that they understand they are contemptible. Burning their mailings for their idiotic churches makes it clear and it sets an example to the Gay community and the community at large that they shouldn’t be indulged in their idiocy.
One of the major rituals of Christians is the symbolic ritual cannibalism where they devour their God. Maybe they should be more concerned that they themselves be tolerated and shut the hell up about Gays.
Burning anti-Gay church literature on Easter and video recording it and posting it.
We need to burn these mailings and share the video on social media to rebuke these bigots and show that they are contemptible. Their arrogance needs to be checked and will be checked when they realize what portion of the public finds them contemptible.
The self-serving, self-righteous, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing antics of these anti-Gay Christians need to be show cased as what they are.
These anti-Gay churches need to know our anger.
How to do this.
[A] Collect the anti-Gay church mailings. If you don’t have any mailings, then printout something that is a symboic equivalent.
Find out whether the mailing was sent by an anti-Gay church.
When you get a church mailing from an Evangelical church go online and check the church with Google. Use the Advanced Google search feature.
And search the website for the following terms: homosexual, homosexuality, Gay, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBT+, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, Sodom, Sodomy, “same-sex” (use parentheses), and “love the sinner” (use parentheses). Put these words in the “any of these words” blank in the Google Advance Search form.
Select anytime for the last update blank.
Put in the basic core website. For One Community Church it was
You can just put in visitonecc.com and Google will know.
You don’t need to put in all the URLs based off of the core website URL. Google Advance search will search everything.
I like to save webpages as pdfs on my computer.
[B] Post in social media what you learned about the church.
[C] Set up a safe place to burn the literature. Not in your residence. Some place outside on your barbecue unit, or a unit you purchase or at a park where burning is permitted.
I think you should make sure where ever and however you burn the flyers you don’t cause a fire. I am not an expert on fire safety, but I think a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher that isn’t expired is better than nothing, but I am not saying that is necessarily sufficient. Further if the weather is windy, it isn’t a good idea. Do NOT use flammable or combustible liquids and keep such liquids away from the fire.
[D] Burn it and video record it being burned.
[E] Share the video on social media.
We need to have this as annual event.
Getting serious about fighting anti-Gay Christian bigots
We need to start thinking of ways to fight back against anti-Gay Christian bigots.
All too often the conversation about the defense of the Gay community gets shut down and misdirected into other topics.
Someone will say, “That is not real Christianity,” and we are dragged into a theological discussion. Someone will say, “The Bible isn’t anti-Gay,” and we are dragged off into a textural analysis of something written in some foreign languages over two thousand years ago.
This might be of interest to Gay Christians, but these discussions are not discussions about defending the Gay community. They are more about defending Christianity as not being homophobic, or it is about the particular concerns of Gay Christians, rather than the majority of Gays who aren’t Christians.
It is assumed by Gay Christians that the way, and only way, to defend the community is to win these theological arguments which is theocratic on their part in that these Gay Christians assume that the Gay community depends on the approval of Christians to exist.
Gays have rights. We are part of the universe and it is the problem of Christians fitting in a universe where we exist, rather than we fit into a Christian theocracy. We live in a secular nation, not in a Christian theocracy.
There are likely a lot of ways of fighting back against Christian bigotry if we started to think about how we can do it, rather than get misdirected into debating theological questions.
For starters, when they start whining to the U.S. government to protect their human rights overseas, we might want to point out the hypocrisy.
No more sugary talk filled with sunshine and butterflies. We need to fight back.
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The following is a post with the links to the posts of this newsletter of local anti-Gay groups.