Homophobia of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
I am creating this post as background information to deal with another Dallas Morning News stealth homophobia piece.
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Lutheran Church Misssouri Synod
All links were submitted to the Internet Archive ( https://archive.org/ ) so if they go missing or are radically changed from the time of this post, you can find the pages there.
I generally have been doing this with all the links I include in my posts.
Their website is:
In the drop down menu for About you will find the choice beliefs.
On that page you will find a link for faqs.
At this page you will find a link to this page. This is where some of their anti-Gay views are expressed. All their anti-Gay views will be reviewed in one section.
There is a social issues drop down menu and one of the items on it is “Sexuality” which take you to this page.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Dallas. Making homophobia look sophisticated.
Report continues after image.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Homophobic Beliefs.
They have a God’s Gift of Sexuality Task Force specifically to push their homophobic beliefs.
From their Social issues Sexuality page are the following.
[1] There is this flyer, “Is there any HOPE for Me? about homosexuality. The anti-Gay churches no don’t like to use the word “homosexual” or “Gay” since they don’t want you to think of yourself as Gay or being homosexual, just having sinful desires which aren’t part of who you are. Under this page, https://www.lcms.org/social-issues/sexuality
The idea is that Jesus will save you from sin. Some quotes:
(2) When Jesus forgives, He frees. Not only does He put away God’s condemnation for your sin, but He also puts away sin’s bondage. According to Scripture, every sinner is a sin addict; he craves his sins of choice. Yet every time he indulges that urge, he falls deeper and deeper into the vicious cycle of addiction: remorse and selfloathing. But Jesus breaks that cycle; He intervenes when our sins oppress us and says: “I will reverse that. I will be the sinner. You shall go free.”
(3) Jesus doesn’t free you all at once. That’s the way it is with recovering sin addicts like us; our recovery is one day at a time. We need cleansing every day for as long as we live. …
[2] There is this flyer, “Support biblical marriage.” Under this page, https://www.lcms.org/social-issues/sexuality
A quote from this flyer.
Dr. Beverly Yahnke, DOXOLOGY’s executive director for Christian Counsel, professor of Psychology and chair of Social Science at Concordia University Wisconsin, reminded those gathered, “We aren’t anti-gay. We are pro-children, pro-family. The church is not anti-homosexual; it is anti-homosexual behavior. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the people in our churches who are living celibate homosexual lives, we want to wrap the Gospel of Jesus Christ around them.”
I am not against fish, just swimming.
[3] Flyer, “The Birds and the Bees,” which is instructions how to make your child homophobic. Under this page. https://www.lcms.org/social-issues/sexuality
Quotes from the flyer.
If your child asks, “Why are some people gay?” you can answer, “We really don’t understand why some people act this way. Sadly, some people choose to disobey what God and the Bible say is right.
Letting your children know what the Bible says about homosexual acts is important. Even though the many influences of same-sex attraction and drive are complex, and many struggle with these feelings, engaging in homosexual behavior is a chosen activity. Children should be told that homosexual behavior is biblically and morally wrong. As with any sexual sin, when a person chooses to please himself rather than God, he is committing a sin.
[4] Flyer, “The Gift of Sexuality.” Under this page. https://www.lcms.org/social-issues/sexuality.
Quotes from flyer.
Many homosexuals are convinced that they are the way they are because God made them that way. No matter the evidence, there is a bigger question: What kind of God does one actually believe he has? Does one believe the promises of God or not? Is the Word that says, “All things are possible with God” correct or not (Matt. 19:26)? Is our God limited in what He can do? Does God set standards for us that He doesn’t enable us to reach with the power of the Holy Spirit?
[5] Flyer, “It’s Broken: Hope and Healing for the Struggle.” Under this page. https://www.lcms.org/social-issues/sexuality.
Consider the following: Kaylee is eighteen years old and entering her freshman year in college. She has been raised by Christian parents who attend church almost weekly. Ever since she can remember, she’s had thoughts and feelings toward other girls that are at odds with her Christian faith. She hasn’t said anything to anyone; she’s afraid of the scorn and ridicule that she would face if anyone found out. So day and night she suffers silently. She’s prayed about it, but nothing seems to change. She’s even thought about suicide, which only adds to the overwhelming amount of guilt and shame that she feels.
Linda is married, and the mother of four children. She and her husband have tried to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong, and apart from the usual indiscretions of youth, they’ve been good kids. That is, until her son, Bryan, came home from college and announced that he was gay — and that he’s had a relationship with a young man for the last few months.
The page goes on and on like this.
[6] Flyer, “Marriage Matters,” against same-sex marriage.
[7] Flyer, “Marriage Toolkit,” against same-sex marriage.
[8] Flyer, “My Heart Overflows!”. God will save homosexuals from their sin.
Situations like these are more common than we’d like to think. I have three close family members who are living a homosexual lifestyle. All of them grew up in the Church and learned God’s Word, but now they have set that all aside to pursue a lifestyle that God’s Word clearly says is sinful. Undoubtedly, you have friends and family struggling with same-sex attraction as well.
We don’t often know what to say to them, and when we do express our concern, it usually ends up in hurt and anger. Sometimes, they refuse to speak to us while we pretend like everything is fine. We are worried for them and weep for them.
Their continued rebellion against God through their homosexual behavior, however, has put that at risk.
There is a lot more on this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is a very long page with book marks, but several sections are homophobic.
They don’t like same-sex marriage.
Their view on homosexuality.
This is on whether “… practicing homosexuals serve in any position in your church?”
“Human Sexuality: A Theological Perspective [1981]” position paper.
In the table of contents, in part III, “Some Problems,” there is Section C, “Homosexuality” starting on page 32. There is the usual fall into sin, Christ will save you babbling. What is of special concern is that they are advocating homosexuality should be criminalized under the guise of debating the pros and cons.
A quote:
We should stress that the judgment made here is moral and theological, not legal. The question whether homosexual acts between consenting adults should be legally prohibited is one about which Christian citizens may disagree. Not all matters of morality are fit subjects for legislation. Although law does play an educative role and must, therefore, shape moral convictions, questions of morality are especially fit subjects for legal codification when they impinge on the common good. Whether homosexual acts privately engaged in damage the common good in such a :way that public concern and control are needed is difficult to judge. Even if one felt that such relationships were not a fit subject for legislation, however, the law would still have a legitimate interest in protecting children from homosexual influence in the years when their sexual identity is formed. At any rate, the judgment of informed Christians may well differ as to precisely where the legal lines ought more properly be drawn.
The Luthern Church Missouri Synod is a dedicated enemy of Lesbians and Gays.
No member of this church should be in any position of public trust, such as boards, committees, elected office, commissions, etc.
This is our position.
Holy Cross Lutheran in Dallas. Making homophobia look sophisticated. More after photos.