"Kid Friendly": A Poison Dagger that Respectability Gays created and is now pointed at the LGBT.
The homophobic right wasn't slow to see its potential use to attack the LGBT.
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Consequences of “kid friendly”: A poison dagger the LGBT leadership has inflicted on the LGBT.
I don’t think some actions are really carefully considered. Originally the only issue of the Pride parades was that they met the local decency laws and that police had some sense in regarding those laws.
When you say some part of Gay activities or Pride activities or LGBT+ activities are “kid friendly”, the logic of that classification is that other parts of Gay, Pride, LGBT+ plus events are to be considered kid unfriendly.
Now everything the Gay community does, all Pride activities do, what LGBT individuals do is forced to be sorted into “kid friendly” and “kid unfriendly.”
Origin of “kid friendly”
Some LGBT parents started to complain that Pride events and other events weren’t “kid friendly,” that is they didn’t feel they could bring their children to the events.
However, parents, usually straight couples would be watching the parades along the route with their kids and this has happened for decades. They didn’t have a problem with the parades.
What I think is that LGBT parents are worried they won’t be considered good parents and so they self-examine themselves needlessly whether they will be thought of as good parents.
I think with other LGBT parents they are worried, “What will the straight people think,” and they are basically Respectability Gays, and since in many cases they had adopted, they are often Assimilationist Gays. (or Lesbians or BT.)
So, this concern was quickly realized by the Respectability Gays and the Assimilationist Gays as an opportunity to suppress the “bad” Gays with their unassimilated and scandalous ways (In the eyes of the Respectability Gays) to be repressed and suppress in the name of inclusion and diversity.
They now had a justification to police the LGBT to not do this and not do that.
Nearly 99% of Gays don’t have children, and maybe about 90% of Lesbians don’t have children. Sometimes those children are grown or are teenagers.
The few LGBT who felt uncomfortable with the Pride events, and I suspect most LGBT with small children didn’t feel uncomfortable with Pride events, could have hired a babysitter and kept them at home.
However, the Respectability Gays and Assimilationist Gays saw this as an opportunity to police the LGBT, and so instead of saying to the tiny percent, perhaps less than 1%, don’t go, repressive regulations were foisted on the other 99+%.
Dire Consequences and repressive measures.
In 2013 the organizers of Houston Pride event banned throwing out condoms because it wanted the Pride event to be “family friendly” and “marriage minded.” They later they claimed they reverse the ban, but the rules to throw out condoms were such that it wasn’t really possible.
Likely the Houston Pride middle class social worker types wanted to have the LGBT marketable to get funding for social service groups and likely many of them were embarrassed and worried what their Fundamentalist, Baptist, or Evangelical relatives would think
Given the urgency of encouraging safe sex in the Gay community it is criminal that in 2013 the organizers of the Houston ‘Pride” parade banned the distribution of condoms. Likely it might have gotten some men to start practicing safe sex, by reinforcement of following safe sex. Men likely died as a consequence of this Respectability Gay program.
In 2014 the Oakland Pride group wanted to reject leather groups to keep this “a more family-friendly, diverse celebration.”
What really is behind these repressive policies is a “What will the straight people think,” mentality.”
Homophobes know a poison dagger pointed at the LGBT when they see it.
What exactly is “kid friendly.” That probably varies a lot from parent to parent. The criteria to classify something as “kid friendly” varies a lot. “Kid friendly” has no standardized definition, it is expandable to whatever emotional concern any adult might have.
It is considered a matter of public policy to protect children and the government is empowered to protect children, including from their parents, and also to enact legislation for their safety and development.
We have laws for the age of drinking & driving, we require school attendance, we have child labor laws, we have child protective services to prevent parental abuse, we have age of consent laws. It is considered very much a legitimate for governments at all levels to be concern about the welfare of children.
It is also an area where the public is most likely to be very emotional and least rational in considering.
The homophobes may seem crazy, but they aren’t stupid. They saw the opportunity and suddenly, the activities of the LGBT are judged by what ultraconservative Evangelicals and Catholics might consider “kid friendly.”
They aren’t going to be using Brazilian Carnivals to set their standards.
Not surprisingly they found that the public, which expects strong measures by government to protect children, is often ready to support anti-LGBT legislation on the premise that drag queens aren’t “kid friendly.”
The public is now looking at the activities of the LGBT and classifying them as “kid friendly” versus “not kid friendly.”
As will be shown by the posts of Protect Texas Kids (PTK), they have adopted the same stances of the Houston Pride and Oakland Pride groups and have adapted them to attack the LGBT in general.
PTK reporting on DFW Pride events. [Link to info post at the end of this post.]
Arlington Pride. Guys with pup masks upsets PTK. Click on Instagram links to see. PTK states, “these people belong in jail.”
PTK couldn’t really find anything at Dallas Pride so they stole this video from Reduxx and put it on their Instagram. Reddux is a radical feminist group which has been on a campaign to ban leather and drag queens from Pride Events. Kelley Neidert and Reduxx are ideological sisters it seems.
The Reddux video will be discussed in the following Twitter section.
This is an Instagram post about Dallas Pride. Click on it.
Arlington Pride denounce with pictures of men with pup masks.
The above tweet was retweeted 28 times. This post has 59 likes. It has 2,592 views. These two guys having a private outing to pride don’t know that they are the focus of a hate campaign involving thousands.
Parent denounced as a child abuser.
Gay art at Dallas Pride denounced.
PTK use a video from West Hollywood, California Pride to condemn Dallas Pride. They couldn’t find video that they thought would shock people at Dallas Pride so they went looking for some shocking video from some Pride event somewhere.
Notice that the video is from a radical feminist group Reduxx wanting to repress pride.
This is the PTK video. Look closely to see that it is produced by Belissa Cohen and has the URL Reduxx.info.
In fact you can see Belissa Cohen’s account with the same video condemning Pride and she explains it is in West Hollywood.
Reddux used this on their Twitter. PTK seems to have just taken it.
Arlington Pride showing guys with pup masks.
Art work at Dallas Pride.
Again there is the West Hollywood parade with the video taken from radical group Reduxx.
What will the Respectability LGBT likely do in response to these attacks?
I think they will use them to suppress Pride events even further. They won’t suggest that “kid friendly” as a concept has backfired. They won’t suggest maybe keep kids at home. They won’t suggest that maybe we need to split up Pride events, one for Gays and another for the rest of the community.
They are likely going to go all in and cave into these attacks and really repress pride. The Respectability Gays have always wanted to police the “bad” Gays and they will see PTK’s campaign as the perfect justification for repression.
I think that those who end up being repressed need to be ready to have their own events.
Assimilationist agenda and Respectability politics created this dagger of “kid friendly,” and we need to be prepared to reject the assimilationists and the supporters of respectability of politics and do what is necessary to have our Pride events unrepressed.
This might involve rethinking about what our events should be at a very basic and radical level.
Further we need to realize that the agendas of assimilationists and respectability politics have inflicted serious harm on the LGBT and we need to reject their influence in our community politics.
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