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Link to Part 1.
In Part 2 we look at how the Stonewall Democrats question candidates and avoid the real issues. [Link to Part 1 is at the end of this post.]
These are the questions they asked Carol King Arnold.
1. Please share any experience that illustrates your understanding of and interest in the needs of the LGBTQ+ community in your District/ Role sought.
2. As an organization affiliated with the Texas Democratic Party, Stonewall Democrats of Dallas will only endorse candidates who affirm an affiliation with the platform and policies of the Texas Democratic Party. Do you make such an affirmation? What is your previous voting history (please explain any changes in party affiliation)?
3. If you earn the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement, how would you showcase your endorsement? Would you include the endorsement in your campaign media?
4. Please list some of your qualifications and experiences pertinent to the office you are seeking:
5. Once you are elected, what are some of your priorities and plans specific to your office’s responsibilities?
6. When elected, how will you recruit, retain, and create an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ staff and allies to the LGBTQ+ community? How would you work to include LGBTQ+ representatives in your 2023 Dallas Municipal Candidate Questionnaire board and commission appointments?
7. If elected, what legislative priorities would you push the city to lobby for in Austin?
8. The Texas State Legislature continues to debate and adopt laws which restrict local control on many issues, including protections for the LGBTQ+ community. How would you see your city respond to these changes?
Homelessness has and continues to have a significant impact on the LGBTQ+ community and our neighbors across North Texas. How would you rate our city’s current response to homelessness? How would you alter or expand these efforts?
Income inequality continues to grow and impact life in North Texas. How would you rate our city’s current response to the needs of low- and middle-income residents, particularly wage growth and affordable housing? How would you alter or expand these efforts?
Are you a current member of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas?
Is there anything in your past or background that has not been covered by the previous questions that might – without careful explanation - cause our organization to reconsider or withdraw our endorsement of you?
I’m seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2023 Municipal election. (Please type name)
These questions avoided specifics and got vague answers.
In regards to Question #3 above, the following is Carolyn King Arnold’s campaign website. Perhaps I missed it, but I don’t see any mention of Stonewall Democrats.
Despite nominating Vonceil Jones Hill, the answer to question #12 by Arnold was no.
Most of her answers are fairly vague or real nothings. She wasn’t a current member of Stonewall Democrats. You need to go down to page 31 at the following link to see her responses. Answer to #8 was, “Through our equity policy,” what ever that might mean.
The questions that should have been asked.
Do you support a human rights commission for the city of Dallas? [See link to background information at the end of this post.]
Do you support the Dallas Police having a hate crimes unit? [See link to background information at the end of this post.]
Will you oppose anti-Gay invocation speakers opening up Dallas City Council meetings? [See link to background information at the end of this post.]
Do you support getting a real sexual orientation anti-discrimination ordinance for Dallas? (Unfortunately, though I have downloaded the municipal code for the so-called anti-discrimination ordinance, I haven’t yet analyzed it. It is a real nothing.)
Do you support reforming the Oversight Police Review board to have real authority to do investigations? [See link to background information at the end of this post.]
Notice should have been taken of who did and did not take a stand against the anti-drag show protest at BuzzBrew, by showing up or issuing a statement, but then again, Stonewall Democrats only showup as individuals and didn’t bring a banner to the protest. When you are weak on LGBT rights you can hardly expect it from others.
For the record only Scott Ridley and Jesse Moreno showed up to take a stand. Our self-proclaimed Gay champions, Chad West and Omar Narvaez were not there.
As for the listed issues all the incumbends have not replied or taken a stand. They probably knew very well that the Stonewall Democrats wouldn’t be taken any stand.
The Stonewall Democrats are vote harvesters for the Democratic Party and also see to get goodie bags from the political establishment in Dallas by not raising any significant LGBT issues. They probably can’t conceive that LGBT rights might be anything more than pushing the Democratic Party and political careerism.
It isn’t surprising at all that the bar On Rotation felt they were defensless, since the LGBT community in Dallas itself is without defense.
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