Vicious pastors in Evangelicals for Harris group. Dwight McKissic says the anti-Christ is homosexual. Claude Sutherland.
Kamala Harris campaign recruits raging insane homophobes for her campaign. After all that talk about Trump and the 2025 Project by the Dems, what about these insane individuals. The hypocrisy.
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Dwight McKissic is also in this series of adverts, “Hope for Harris.”
On Twitter.
Dwight McKissics raging insane homophobia.
He is the pastor of Cornerston Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas.
He is being given a big promotion by the Evangelicals for Harris group.
He is listed on their webpage as a speaker in an upcoming campaign event.
He has a blog.
This is his post that the Anti-Christ is homosexual and acceptance of Gays mean we are living in the “End Times.”
The post is titled, “When Saints Live in Sodom.” It is a homophobic attack on African American football player Michael Sam when he came out. From the post.
2. Daniel also reveals that the Anti-Christ would not desire women. A male who does not desire a woman is considered suspect where I came from. I believe that Daniel was telling us that the Anti-Christ would have no desire for women, which may be a subtle way of suggesting that the Anti-Christ would be a homosexual, or certainly unmarried.
According to DL Foster, “The Daniel reference to the sexual nature of the anti-Christ as envisioned by Daniel is telling considering the world’s end time affirmation of homosexual perversion. The word ‘desire’ is drawn from the Hebrew chamad, which points to lust and desire associated with male/female sexuality. Thus, we can make a broad assumption that the anti-Christ will have no sexual desire for women.”
As the saints learn how to live in Sodom, we must take solace in the fact that the Bible accurately predicts that the spirit of Sodom would be prevalent and prominent in the end time. Jesus, John, Paul, and Daniel predicted what we are now seeing. [Boldface added.]
This is his post which is another post about the “End Times” and homosexuality.
“…the great city which spiritually is called Sodom…” (Revelation 11:8 NKJV)
The reason for this post is given in his post:
A firestorm of controversy erupted surrounding a message preached by gospel singer, Kim Burrell, recently, because of biblical values and views she expressed regarding homosexual activity. I will address Sis. Burrell’s remarks later in this message.
These are articles about Kim Burrell’s comments.
Jesus said, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: (Luke 17:26).” “It was the same as happened in the days of Lot…but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17:28-29 NASB). John, in Revelation 11:8, and Jesus, in Luke 17:29, clearly prophesied that sodomy and issues related to marriage—would be prominent and prevalent practices and issues before Christ returns. The spiritual state of the world could be summed up in one word: Sodom. Sodomy was a crime in the state of Texas and most of the South until about twenty years ago. What both Jesus and John are saying is, when we begin to see the acceptance and approval of sodomy, know that the end is near. This is the first generation in world history that is witnessing the approval of homosexuality in every sector of society including the church.
The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ must interact with individuals inclined toward homosexuality with compassion, yet without compromise. MY THESIS IS CONSENSUAL—HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY IS A SIN—PERIOD. Just as adultery, fornication, drunkenness, gluttony, pride, laziness, racism, sexism, ingratitude and a host of other vices are also sin. By sin, I mean missing the mark; or falling short of the Glory of God; thinking or behavior displeasing to God. Yet, God loves homosexuals as He loves all sinners. God loves us while we are yet sinners, but He loves us too much to allow us to remain in our sins. He has called us to maturity, growth and holiness.
Another inflamed homophobic post.
President Obama has betrayed the Bible and the Black Church with his endorsement of same-sex marriage. The Bible is crystal clear on this subject, and the Black Church strongly opposes same-sex marriage. His endorsement is an inadvertent attack on the Christian Faith. America is now a candidate for the same judgment received by Sodom and Gomorrah. This was a sad, sad day and a very bad decision, by our beloved President. The moral impact of this day and decision is equal to the military impact of AL-Queda when they attacked the Twin Towers on 911. Today’s announcement is a moral earthquake equivalent to a tsunami or hurricane that will have far more devastating results than Katrina.
He talks about what actions he is going to do to fight Gay marriage including submitting a resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. He is no longer with the South Baptists.
News articles about McKissic denouncing Obama’s support for Gay marriage.
Pastor McKissic at a Values Voter Summitt thought that Gays can’t use the term “civil rights” and angrily denounced Gays for “comparing their sin to my skin.”
At 2006’s high profile right wing Values Voter Summit, Rev. Dwight McKissic attacked as “insulting, offensive, demeaning, and racist” any consonance between gay rights and civil rights. He derided homosexuals as “comparing their sin to my skin” and who “can’t reproduce so they have to recruit.” While the Civil Rights movement sprung from righteousness, the gay rights movement springs from “the pit of hell itself” and is a “satanic anointment,” birthed from the anti-Christ who is himself homosexual. [Boldface added.]
He has been very active campaigning against and denouncing Gays.
In the dawning of this new millennium, homosexuality has burst out of the closet and into the mainstream of American life and society. Satan has strategically and successfully sought to secure sanctioning for same-sex marriage in every sector of American society. The same-sex marriage quest for success is now knocking at the door of God’s sanctuaries, seeking a seat at the leadership table, under the banner marked “justice” and “equality.”
On Twitter he praises another homophobe. You can see how delulu they are.
Organizes a rally in Arlington, Texas against Gay marriage.
Dwight McKissic, president of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention’s Pastors’ Conference and the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, said the group plans a “Not On My Watch” rally at 10 a.m. May 22 at Arlington City Hall to “support the biblical and traditional view of marriage and to refute the supposed parallels between the civil rights movement and the so-called ‘gay rights movement.'” [Boldface added.]
He has organized a coalition to fight against Gay marriage.
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention article. Give the archive a minute to upload the article.
Rightwing Watch article. “Dwight McKissic Calls on SBC to Condemn Obama for Backing Marriage Equality, Likens Move to September 11th and Hurricane Katrina.”
Denounced a Lesbian being allowed to speak at a college.
LESBIAN BISHOP AND TWO PRO SAME-SEX MARRIAGE PASTORS TO LECTURE AT THE AMERICAN BAPTIST COLLEGE IN NASHVILLE, TNFor a Baptist college president to invite a lesbian bishop legally married to a woman, to be a guest speaker and worship leader on a Baptist college campus is irresponsible, scandalous, non-biblical, and certainly displeasing to God.
He was part of the campaign against the Equality Act safe guarding rights for Gays.
“57 Black Leaders Warn Congress the 'Equality Act' Turns LGBT Rights Into 'a Sword Against Faith Institutions'“
“Black pastors slam Equality Act as 'a danger' to religious institutions, back 'Fairness for All'“
Thought hurrican Katrina was punishment for homosexuality and other things.
Other McKissic homophobia news stories
This is another homophobe they are having as part of their Evangelicals for Harris event.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats.
After all that talk about Project 2025 and a warning to Gays that with Trump being elected it would be doom for Gays, they go off and start recruiting raging homophobes for Harris.
Trump actually removed all the anti-Gay language from the Republican Party platform. It maybe a political action to win the 2024 election, but he did remove it.
Harris in contrast is openly employing really vicious homophobes.
There is a lot of talk about LGBT rights with straight liberals and leftists, but the support often proves to be really shallow.
The real platform of the Democrats seems to be, superficial statements, but no real serious concern and the LGBT can lump or like it.