Letter to U.S. Rep. Jasmine Crockett, No Pulse Massacre in Dallas. Asking for action.
Letter asking that U.S. Rep. Crockett use every means and resource of the federal government to prevent a massacre and imped Stedfast Baptist church hateful incitement against the LGBT.
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Stedfast Baptist Church is now in Cedar Hill, Texas in Dallas County. It is a church that is calling for the execution of Lesbians and Gays by the government. On July 12, 2023 they have scheduled a pastor who praised the Pulse massacre in Orlando, Florida to speak at their church. [Links to informational posts about Stedfast at the end of this newsletter.]
The possibility that a person might be incited to attack the LGBT community in Dallas is very real possibility. This letter is one of a series of letters to elected officials to take meaningful action to prevent a massacre.
The letter to U.S. House Rep. Jasmine Crockett.
                                                                                   July 9, 2023
                                                                                   Edward H. Sebesta
U.S. House Rep. Jasmine Crockett
1616 Longworth House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Hon. Crockett:
Stedfast Baptist church is calling upon the government to execute Gays. They have moved to Cedar Hill, Texas and their address is 332 Texas St, Cedar Hill, TX 75104.
Their Twitter account makes clear their murderous attitude towards Lesbians and Gays.
https://twitter.com/StedfastKjv . They have invited to speak at their church on July 12, 2023 Steven Anderson of the Faithful World Baptist Church who has gained worldwide notoriety for praising the massacre of Gays at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016.
A report on both Stedfast Baptist Church in Cedar Hill and Steven Anderson is in this post.
I enclose a map showing it is just 22 minutes from Stedfast Baptist church to the heart of the Gay neighborhood in Dallas. Some individual who is influenced to think the massacre at Pulse night club was a good thing and deciding to take action on his or her own, could be on the Strip on Cedar Springs in 22 minutes. In almost all of Dallas County with our good highways, a deranged individual could drive to the Strip on Cedar Springs in 30 minutes or less.
I urge your office to take every measure and every means to prevent a massacre occurring on the Cedar Springs Strip in Dallas by individuals incited by incendiary rhetoric.
Certainly, federal law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations should be monitoring Dallas County for possible attacks as well as other nearby counties that might have individuals incited by Stedfast’s incendiary attacks on the LGBT.
One concern is that Stedfast might be working in conjunction with extremist organizations. Does federal law enforcement know?
I would also hope that the Department of Justice is keeping a close eye on groups like this and take action.
All branches of the federal government monitoring Stedfast Baptist church should share what they know with the Dallas County sheriff and local law enforcement agencies. Is there some special training that should be done for dealing with extremist groups?
Is it permissible that members of this church be allowed in law enforcement whether local, state or federal? Are any members of this church in the U.S. military? Is Stedfast Baptist church on a list of extremist groups so that members can’t become federal law enforcement officers or join the U.S. military?
Nations elsewhere are denying Steve Anderson entry. I think under no circumstance should the U.S. State Dept. be against this denial of entry for Anderson and members of Stedfast Baptist Church. The U.S. State Dept. should deny entry into the United States for any persons traveling to the United States to support the efforts of Stedfast Baptist church.
Regarding the members of Stedfast Baptist church, can any of them be declared undesirable aliens, if they aren’t U.S. citizens?
Does Stedfast Baptist church enjoy tax exempt status when they are urging government execution of Gays? Do they benefit from any federal program of aid or support?
I do not know all the workings of the federal government, but I hope that with your knowledge of the federal government that every means and measure will be taken to imped their campaign against the LGBT.
                                                                                   Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                   Edward H. Sebesta
U.S. Rep. Crockett hasn’t responded to the following letters. One is about Uganda’s death penalty, one is about the U.S. govt. aid agencies sending money to virulently anti-Gay groups overseas, one is about an anti-LGBT Christian group arguing that the U.S. State Dept. not support LGBT rights. However, I think that no effort be spared to take pro-active measures to prevent an attack on the Dallas LGBT. Also, these letters serve as a documentation of how concerned U.S. Rep. Crockett is about our rights, our humanity when the next election comes up.
Please show up for this protest.
For those thinking that the church is far away and we don’t have to worry I submit this.
The post of links to the posts about the letter writing will be added here when done.
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