PART TWO - Invocations given out at city hall. (2 of 3) Update.
Given the length of this report it will be in MULTIPLE SECTIONS.
Update: Dallas Observer has run an article on this.
This is the link to Part One. Part Two starts afterwards.
8/24/2022 Invocation. (Continued)
In the article found with the above link, Jim Denison complains that he might unjustly be called homophobic and then wishes his readers to consider the following when they think about monkeypox.
· Homosexuality is not God’s design for us.
· God loves all of us, whatever our sexual orientation.
· We are all broken sexually.
· And no one is beyond his redeeming and transforming grace (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9–11).
The following is a tweet he did on monkeypox.
He does a lot of writing about Gays.
A sample of his articles. On the left he opposes an effort to stop bullying of Gays and on the right in the past he hoped to prevent same-sex marriage.
Opposes effort against bullying in schools in this article. (Left above)
This is a May 2, 2022 article, “What does the Bible Say about homosexuality.”
Not surprising he is favorably considered by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
8/10/2022 Invocation
Next part of my speech
Nick Pitts, president of Dallas Christian Leadership Prayer Breakfast, chosen by Jaynie Schultz, had articles in the Denisonforum, which disappeared, but were found in the Internet Archive. He feels that Gays can be converted to be straight, same-sex marriage is dangerous, and condemns an Evangelical church in San Francisco that accepts Gays
Dallas City Council member Jaynie Schultz District 11 invited Nick Pitts to give the invocation. The strange thing was that links to Nick Pitts’ articles at the Denison Forum seemed to have disappeared. I did some sleuthing and found them on the Internet Archive. The Internet Archive can be a bit slow on loading pages, so be patient.
In this article Nick Pitts isn’t happy that an Evangelical church in San Francisco had become more accepting of Gays.
In this article is in defense of trying to supposed therapy to make Gays straight.
Here Nick Pitts expresses his opposition to Gay marriage.
6/22/2022 and 8/3/2022 Invocations
Next part of my speech.
Jesse Perez and Mando Perico, selected by Adam Bazaldua, are from Victory Outreach church, a denomination global in scope, and compares being Gay to stealing, swindling, and drug addiction and believes that being Gay can be cured.
On 6/22/2022 City Council member Adam Bazaldua Disitrict 7 had Jesse Perez, Pastor of Victory Outreach of Dallas give the invocation, and on 8/3/2022 had Mando Perico, Associate Pastor of Victory Outreach of Dallas give the invocation.
The Victory Outreach of Dallas is really anti-Gay and appears to be a part of a global anti-Gay denomination. It was in the binder. The left is their position on homosexuality on page 28 of their belief statement. The right is an attach on Gays by a Victory Outreach Pastor Paul Kofi Agyekum published in Ghana.
This is their position paper on their beliefs online for the whole denomination. You can download it.
What does it say about Gays? The word “homosexual” appears 44 times in the document. Here are some examples from the above document. On page 1.
Here are some prime examples of how faithful God is to forgive sin and to what extent He will pardon the wrongdoer: The Corinthians were involved in swindling, thievery, idolatry, drunkenness, sexual immorality (including prostitution and homosexuality), and yet by the grace of God their sins were washed away and they were set apart as saints for God’s kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9-11). [Boldface added.]
Page 28 is devoted to their “position on homosexuality.” It basically states that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible and is contrary to Christianity.
A quote from page 28.
While studies have been conducted to show that homosexuals are born gay, many psychiatrists and psychologists affirm that almost every case of homosexuality involves patients who have had very negative childhood experiences. In actuality, homosexuality is a behavior and preference – not a condition – and this means it is curable. There have been numerous testimonies of those who were once gay, but have been changed forever from their former lifestyle through the power of God in Christ Jesus. Real change is possible for the gay person, but much like drug or alcohol addiction, sexual addiction and homosexual orientation requires a person to be determined to say no to his/her vice, …
The position paper is back online. I did save it electronically.
I also saved it at the Internet Archive.
These are some links to the Victory Outreach pastor Paul Kofi Agyekum denouncing Gays in Ghana.
Link to the third part.
This is the link to the petition to get a Human Rights Commission at Please sign and share. With groups and individuals like these in Dallas we need a human rights commission.