Watermark Church, an insidious enemy of the LGBT. Omar Narvez & Chad West, when are you going to standup against them? Updated.
This church is focused on opposing the LGBT and in insideous ways in the "Love the Sinner" type slitherng way. It is about time the Dallas LGBT gets some fight in themselves.
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I found two anti-Gay videos conducted by a Watermark church member.
Also, unfortunately the Dallas City Council has denied Watermark based on other issues than homophobia. Our two city council members didn’t bring up their active campaigning against LGBT.
The Dallas Morning News is supporting the Watermark being in South Dallas. I ad a link at the end of this post.
Wrote Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson not to do any special rezoning or any other favor for Watermark Church and how hysterical churches like this with their fentanyl Jesus are a menace to LGBT and society in general.
Text of letter in section at the end of this report.
Homophobic Watermark Community Church requests rezoning in South Dallas.
Recently in the Dallas Morning News (DMN) Dec. 13, 2023, there is an article about Watermark Community Church asking for extensive zoning changes in South Dallas. They purchased the old Dallas ISD school Pearl C. Anderson Middle Learning Center.
[As always, I submit all links to make sure they are archived at the Internet Archive,
Adam Bazaldua proposed denying them the rezoning because of what he saw as red flags, such as unanswered questions and lack of community input.
I would like to state there is another red flag. They are homophobic. Do not do them any favors.
In the article we don’t hear either Gay City Council members Chad West or Omar Narvaez speaking up about the homophobia of this church.
It has to be asked why DISD sold them the school in the first place. This is another case of homophobia invading Dallas from the homophobic North Dallas suburbs and the local LGBT “leadership” not caring at all.
The DMN reports that Watermark Community Church is wanting to have the rezoning for “additional services” and “… it is unclear what ‘services’ the church intends to add.”
One of the services they intend is very likely homophobia.
Watermark Community Church and its homophobia
This is their website.
They have a Facebook page.
They seem to be one of those non-denominational denominations. I wasn’t able to find denomination info. If someone does find information, please put it in the comments. They seem to be on fentanyl Jesus.
Homophobia mega moderne.
Watermark Community Church has a series of specifically anti-Gay articles and videos.
This is their statement against “same-sex marriage.”
An additional statement on same-sex marriage and homosexuality.
Other anti-Gay videos.
The Song “Same Love” upset them. Quoting, “We explore the difficult topic of homosexuality.”
This is the video for “Same Love,” in case you want to view it.
This video is titled, “Can Someone be Gay and be Christian?” Porch seems to be a Watermark Community Church thing.
It is also on YouTube. I ask, can you be Evangelical and not stupid.
Seems to be another video of theirs with the same topic.
About Obama’s change of view regarding same-sex marriage.
Update: “Responding to your child’s questions on homosexuality.”
“10 Resources to Help You Talk About Homosexuality and Transgender Issues.”
“Can You Be Born Gay?”
“Should I Go to a Gay Wedding?”
The question I have about this, is, who are the Gays who are inviting religious crazies to their wedding.
“What the Church Gets Wrong About the LGBTQ Conversation.”
In this video same-sex marriage is related to the decline of straight marriage.
In the following video the focus is on rejecting an argument that Gay Christians make about homosexuality and Jesus. A short extract from a lengthy argument that Jesus thought being homosexual was a sin.
Now please understand I am not saying homosexuality should be a capital crime here. What we are talking about is not how we adjudicate moral issues in our culture compared to the theocracy 3,000 years ago. What we're talking about is Jesus' understanding of homosexuality. If he was God, then we have God's perspective reflected in the Old Testament on this issue. So we have a number of lines of argument that help us to understand what Jesus believed about the issue of homosexuality even though he did not speak about homosexuality, per se.
From the following video.
Watch this in 1 Corinthians 6:9-12. "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters…" These are heterosexual offenders against God. People-pleasers would be one form of idolatry. We've already talked about that. "…adulterers [those who are married who are having heterosexual issues] , nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."
General topics where homosexuality is mentioned as part of a larger topic.
This is a video about overcoming personal problems and one of them is “Homosexuality.”
The following video has a transcript and homosexuality is about the decline of America
I'm here to tell you the problem in America is not the radical homosexual movement. The problem in America was the breakdown of the family that the church has even endorsed. We've turned away and have bastardized what biblical love looks like. We've talked about no-fault covenant separation, and we have wounded children and have left children. Our children are growing up not to be purple penguins but very confused.
Just go and read. Homosexuality is not the ultimate place humanity declines to. It's where we start, but where we decline to is what's written later in places like 1 Timothy, where it says we won't be surprised that in the last times difficult times will come. In chapter 3 it talks about how men will give themselves to all kinds of craziness and all kinds of lust and self-seeking and be disobedient to their parents. Have you ever struggled with that one? [Boldface added.]
This is how they have failed to prevent Gay marriage along with a lot of Christian type gripping. It is evidently Macklemore and Lady Gaga’s fault.
Do you want more evidence? Let me tell you something. "Same Love" by Macklemore was the GRAMMYs best song of the year last year. You want more information? "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga was the fastest-selling album and fastest-selling single in the history if iTunes. Do you see what happens? They began to market to the minds, consume the real estate of the minds and they changed people. It's a battle for real estate of the mind.
The link to the YouTube video “Same Love” is earlier in this post, here is the link to the YouTube video for “Born That Way.”
This is a guide to how parents should talk to their children about sex. This is an extract for how a parent should speak to their Gay child. This extract should show how modern Christianity slithers with its devious tactics.
Same-sex attraction does not require a child or young adult to be ostracized from their family. Parents and siblings can oppose gay marriage and acknowledge homosexuality as a sin and still love and care for a child or sibling in a same-sex relationship.
This is a list of resources to fight modern culture including Gays.
Jesus knew sinners and the pastor actually met a homosexual.
The list of videos where homosexuality comes up goes on and on.
Do this search.
They have some type of scary therapy program called “The Prodigal”
For the Prodigal: Spring 2024 In-Person event, they have this explanation.
The Prodigal is a ministry to care for and support families of children and loved ones who are wandering from God in a safe, loving environment. Biblical truths are taught and applied in the context of authentic, accountable biblical community.
We define “prodigal” as anyone wandering far from God. Prodigals may be struggling with selfishness, drug addiction, sexual sin, homosexuality, psychological hurdles, and other issues, but they cannot be forced to change. The Prodigal's goal is to bring hope and peace to those in the midst of chaos, through the application of God’s truths and the message of Jesus Christ, so that they may glorify God in all circumstances and provide the optimal environment for their prodigal’s return. [Boldface added.]
This text is with other events they have.
For students it is called same-sex attraction.
For these four programs it is same sex attraction without a hyphen.
They have a page RE:GENERATION
Find freedom from all struggles, including: anxiety/depression, pornography, fear, control, substance abuse, codependency, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction, eating disorders/body image, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other struggle that has you stuck.
There is nothing about helping their membership deal with their struggle of being stupid. Being Gay is compared to drug abuse and mental illness.
There is a link to a national re:generation website.
This is their page on same-sex attraction.
We are told that “God deeply loves people with same-sex attraction,” and this deep love is about annihilating them.
The introduction:
God deeply loves people with same-sex attraction. Sadly, many churches have ostracized gay-identified people. God doesn’t see people with same-sex attraction as greater sinners than others.
The whole page is really creepy.
If people are born with same-sex desires, it doesn’t mean that same-sex love is God’s design. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, we’ve all inherited a rebellious nature with sinful desires leading to death (Romans 7:14-18). Intrinsic desires don’t determine whether a longing is good or bad. God’s word alone defines truth. Sexuality is determined by our Designer, not our desires. (Psalm 19:7-11)
These individuals were supposedly saved from homosexuality.
Turns out they have a major network supporting conversion “therapy.”
Watermark Community Church in the News
A Gay person was purged from Watermark Community Church and it made the Dallas Morning News. 10/14/2016. He wrote about being purged from the church.
This was the article by Watermark’s pastor published in the Dallas Morning News.
This is a statement by Watermark in commenting on that article.
There was other news coverage.
The Gays in South Asia need to be warned.
Not able to find out much, but I think when we visit Asia, we should warn Gays there that Christian missionaries are a deadly danger to their communities.
UPDATE: Two more Watermark Community Church videos attacking Gays.
Notice how they wants to be anti-Gay, but try to be appearing sympathetic.
This church is a serious enemy of the LGBT. They are focused on being Gay, it isn’t incidental to their program. They come to Dallas City Hall and our so-called Gay leaders, City Council members Chad West and Omar Narvaez, aren’t saying a thing.
Watermark Community Church is an enemy of a civilized polity.
Part of the reason there isn’t a strong fight for our community is that the so-called leadership has no fight in them, they don’t want to challenge the Gay community, they seek reasons to do nothing.
This is an article in the Dallas Voice by David Taffet titled, “Why I haven’t commented on Watermark Church,” Oct. 19, 2016.
From the article.
As long as what a church teaches doesn’t hurt anyone outside the church or anyone who can’t defend themselves, I really don’t care what they’re doing inside the church. As long it infringes only on the rights of adults who consent to have their rights infringed upon, preach all the stupid, narrow-minded, insidious crap you want.
To Taffet, it is like Gay people exist in a social vacuum. Maybe people go to the that church because of a larger homophobic society that they live in has undermined their sense, or the homophobic church they grew up in undermined their sense of self.
Taffet, don’t blame the victim!
We don’t accept the victimization of Gays with rationalizations to make sure straight people aren’t upset with us.
Taffet is still the Senior Staff Writer for the Dallas (Vichy) Voice.
This isn’t the first time Taffet has not challenged religious homophobia.
If the LGBT in Dallas are going to get anywhere, we need to have some expectations other than be tolerated.
We need to have some fight in us, and those persons who purport to be leaders in the community need to have some fight in them.
December 17, 2023
Edward H. Sebesta
[Address removed.]
Dallas, Texas 75xxx
Mayor Eric Johnson
City of Dallas
1500 Marilla St.
Dallas, Texas 75201
Dear Hon. Johnson:
Please enclosed find a printout of the following post on Watermark Community Church.
They are really focused on going after the LGBT. I couldn’t do a complete post documenting all their anti-Gay content because there is so much. Their campaigning against the LGBT is ongoing.
I read recently they asked for some special re-zoning. I ask you and the Dallas City Council not to grant them any rezoning or any special favors of any type, both regarding their current request for the former Pearl C. Anderson Middle Learning Center, or any other favor or request in the future they might have.
Any favor given to them, any request that you grant them, is an attack on the LGBT both in the City of Dallas and everywhere.
The consequences of the indulgence of religious fanatics by the City of Dallas, the Dallas Morning News, and the Dallas establishment has arrived. I direct your attention to my write up of Prestonwood Baptist Church.
You will note that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Texas Rep. Matt Shaheen, and Texas Rep. Jeff Leach are members of Prestonwood Baptist Church.
I also bring you attention to this article in ArsTechnica, “Texas sues Pfizer with COVID anti-vax argument that is pure stupid.”
What do you think will happen to real estate in Texas if his suit isn’t thrown out of court immediately? Do you think any pharmaceutical company will want to locate here? Would they want to have their researchers, executives harassed in the courts? How fast do you think medical, molecular biologists, and biotechnologists would leave the state? How many doctors would want to teach in the medical schools here?
These are the mRNA vaccines in the Moderna research pipeline.
There are mRNA vaccines in development for cancer, zika, CMV, HIV, norovirus, Lyme, Nipah and several types of herpes. When they get developed, why would Moderna send any to Texas? To send any would be to risk being sued based on conspiracy theories.
What will the real estate market be like, when Texas is known for the unavailability of critical medicines? Or doctors are threatened with the loss of their medical license for giving an mRNA vaccine? Or it is made illegal to travel out of state to get a vaccination?
Nipah has fatality rates that range from 40 to 100% in different outbreaks. Currently outbreaks, like the recent one in Kerala province of India. are stopped by very stringent measures. Of course, if Nipah comes to Texas we will have the babbling and gurgling of conspiracy theorists about mRNA vaccines. Maybe Moderna will decide not to send any Nipah vaccine to Texas, or maybe it will have to go through third parties, because Moderna doesn’t want exposure to crackpot lawsuits.
You might say that would be insane to sue Moderna in such a situation, but insanity is no impediment to Ken Paxton of Prestonwood Baptist Church.
These churches, Watermark, Prestonwood Baptist, 1st Baptist Dallas and others with their fentanyl Jesus, their raging delusions, their sense of entitlement over everyone else, and their inability to reason, sustain a hysterical politics that endanger society.
They are a menace to the LGBT; they are a menace to society in general.
Not too many cities have a book titled, “Nut Country,” named after them by a highly respected academic press, about their history in the mid-2oth century. The truth is though that craziness is an ongoing element in the social and political life of the DFW area.
It is time that Dallas makes a serious, not token effort, to assure a future free from fanaticism and extremism. It is time Dallas not indulge these religious extremists. It is time that the City of Dallas has a human rights commission to work to find a path to the future.
Sincerely yours,
Edward H. Sebesta