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Once a week I will go to a section of Dallas and photograph the houses of hate. I only found one that wasn’t homophobic out of the nine.
[1] Fellowship Church. [2] Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe. [3] First Baptist Dallas. [4] Antioch Church, satellite campus of Mercy Campus in Fort Worth. [5] Thanksgiving Square. [6] St. Jude Chapel. [7] All Saints. [8] Iglesia Universal.
[1] Fellowship Church - Dallas Campus
Non-denominational numbskulls.
[2] Cathedral of our Lady of Guadalupe.
This church is about homophobia and murderous conquest and colonial subjugation all in one. See also St. Jude Chapel.
[3] First Baptist Dallas. So glorious to see the fire damage.
This post shows all the fire damage and has the YouTube videos of it burning and there is a video of the song “Disco Inferno” to listen to while you look at the pictures.
The old church was were W.A. Criswell has his sermons of AIDS as being god’s punishment for “sodomy.”
[4] Antioch Church. Branch of Mercy Culture.
[5] Thanksgiving Square
I left them a note.
There is more, but I haven’t written everything up. I feel that Dallas religion is a sea of homophobia which I have just a bucket to resarch it.
[6] St. Jude Chapel
The Roman Catholic Church might say something to the Western press, but they still believe it is a sin. This isn’t an obscure technicality.
Just because there are really idiotic Catholic homophobes criticizing Pope Francis, doesn’t mean Francis isn’t also homophobic. What Francis is doing is try to preserve Catholicism when the public has had it with homophobia and so is sugar coating it the best he can.
[7] All Saints
I wore out before I could get their picture, but there is a report.
They are Anglican Mission
Los Angeles Times, Jan. 25, 2001, “Move Hints at Breakaway by Conservative Episcopalians.”
The denomination was formed by two Archbishops outside the United States as a mission to America in reaction to Gays being ordinated. They are missionaries sent to the United States to save us.
The four newly minted bishops and two other Americans consecrated early last year in Singapore by the same group will minister to disaffected Episcopalians in 28 congregations that have already bolted from the Episcopal Church, as well as nine other congregations that have been started. All are in a group called the Anglican Mission in America.
The conservative group’s leaders said they would welcome other disaffected Episcopal congregations into the fold. They also said their bishops would consider invitations to minister to any of the 7,368 parishes that are still in the Episcopal Church.
“I believe this is the opening round in what will become a realignment in the Anglican Communion along the fault line of biblical truth,” Bishop Charles Murphy, ordained by Archbishop Emmanuel Mbona Kolini in Singapore, said in an interview. “More and more people are going to decide whether they are going to go the way of truth or unity.”
[8] Iglesia Universal
I wore out before I could get their picture, but this is what I found.
Progress on documenting homophobic churches.
We have a ways to go, Dallas Fort Worth is a seething cauldron of homophobia.
The ones in yellow are priorities. When I go to photograph an area, I try to include all the homophobic churches, and so the list gets longer. If you think there is a church that I need to get to, let me know, but check this list first
Earlier Houses of Hate Photographic Posts.